Vicky Countess

My Clients Get Results

“I came to coaching because I was feeling weak, out of breath and lethargic. I needed to figure out how to move, get my strength back and get to a place where I wasn’t as tired all of the time After coaching with Vicky, I have my energy back & sleeping through the night for the most part. I am working out three to four days a week. I have commitment and a belief that I can continue Accountability with Vicky was important for me as well as being able to talk about my options. Her advice to get the right shoes made a big difference, too. She kept me on track, while having fun and laughter along the way I definitely recommend Vicky as a knowledgeable, motivating and great coach!”
Jillene E.
“When I started coaching with Vicky, I was feeling overwhelmed with my daily life and felt always exhausted from a sense of confusion and out of control living my life. After coaching, I learned I can be in charge of my life without feeling overwhelmed. And even if I sometimes do feel that way, now I’m empowered to trust myself that I can tackle pretty much any tasks without feeling in panic. Vicky gave me new perspectives and approaches to my daily life. She helped me with managing and prioritizing my daily tasks by providing me with useful tips. What I also appreciated with her coaching was we worked on my old habits of thinking, Changing my old beliefs about myself with Vicky’s help was the most powerful gift. Vicky is upbeat and warm. Her advice and tips are grounded and therefore believable. This made me feel “Yeah I can do that” each time she gave me advice and suggestions.“
Kayo T.
“If you want some lifestyle changes, Vicky can really help. I came to coaching without direction, unable to complete tasks & procrastinating. One example is that I was floundering with my goal of creating a cookbook. I also lacked confidence in my abilities. After coaching with Vicky, I gained confidence in myself and learned about the importance of a plan, breaking down tasks and following through. The completion of the cookbook is on track! I no longer label myself a procrastinator but know that I am very capable. I can get things done. Vicky breaks things down, holds you accountable and is non-judgmental. She also helped me in other areas of my life, one of which is my relationship with my husband. I was trying to change him and now really understand that I will never change him. She is very good at what she does, and I highly recommend her.”
Mary R.
“Before working with Vicky, I was struggling with not following through and feeling bad about it. Through coaching, I have a very different perspective and lots of tools that allow me to easily follow through. Healthy habits like drinking water and stretching are consistent and effortless parts of my life now. Moreover, I have a much better relationship with myself. I highly recommend coaching with Vicky if you want a plan, tools, and support to get you to your goals!”
C. Clowers
Cheryl C.
"Vicky really helped me focus on the most useful strategies to make my habit easy and fun. It changed how I look at running and defined it for myself. I am so glad I worked with her! It was transformative! I am confident that I will keep this up long term because I know how to think about it in the most helpful way."
Helena A.
"I was thrilled with Vicky's 6-week weight loss group program. Vicky's approach was refreshing and engaging, making it easy to stay motivated throughout the program. Her teaching style was on target, and she gave practical coaching concepts that made a real difference. During the program, I had some eye-opening moments of my food choices and hunger cues, which I'd never really paid attention to before. Armed with this awareness, I made some simple changes like listening to my body, cutting down portion sizes, and stopping when I felt satisfied. And you know what? It worked! I actually lost weight! If you're considering coaching with Vicky, I can't recommend it enough. She's fantastic at what she does, and her program truly delivers results. "
Holly K
Holly K.
"I came to Vicky after losing weight on a restrictive diet only to find myself gaining it back. I needed help and Vicky provided it while I was a 1:1 client and participated in her group coaching program. Her perspective on weight loss is pleasantly different from the restrictive diet mentality that I was used to. Instead of just telling me ‘What not to eat’, she coached me on making realistic and holistic lifestyle changes that go beyond just not eating. Her personalized suggestions were great and very helpful to lose weight in a way that would be sustainable. Also, her continued support and accountability made all the difference. I highly recommend Vicky as a life and weight coach."
Marilyn D.
"Vicky is professional, trustworthy, and confidential. If you're not achieving the results you want on your own, I highly recommend Vicky. She will help you get there!"
Bette L. H.
"I came to Vicky because I was at my wit’s end with my weight. I recently had previously lost a lot of weight with a very restrictive diet. However, after stopping that diet, I had regained a lot of weight back. After working with Vicky, I lost 11 pounds, started moving again, and changed my relationship with food. I learned that I could lose weight and still eat things that are delicious. I'm not feeling guilty if I have a piece of bread or a glass of wine. I'm not overdoing things. I've learned how to listen to my body and my hunger cues. I'm not eating to soothe myself. I'm eating because I'm hungry and I'm stopping when I've had enough, which seems like the simplest thing but very effective. Vicky is very encouraging and non-judgmental. There is no guilt and shame involved unlike the diet culture that I had been used to. I am so glad that I worked with her, it was money well spent."
Shelley F., M.D.
“I came to coaching because I felt stuck. I was at my lowest in physical health and was looking to rediscover my interests and get back into feeling good socially. And after working with Vicky, I absolutely got the results that I was hoping for and more. I lost just over 20 pounds! And that changed the other areas - really feeling more confident and not being as anxious about being around other people. If you are thinking about coaching with Vicky, I say “Do It.” She is super talented at coaching, and it always felt like a safe place. The whole process was amazing and wonderful. You will never regret it. It was worth every moment, every penny. You will learn so much, and you’ve got someone alongside you every step of the way.”
Lisa R.
“Working with Vicky made a huge difference in my life! I was totally stuck with my job search and weight loss goals. On a 1-10 scale, I was at Zero for them both! With coaching, I was able to get to a “9” with the tools and strategies she provided. I felt that Vicky genuinely cared about all my successes, and at all of my steps, she was checking in with me, holding me accountable even at times when it was a hard process. I recommend life coaching and Vicky!”
Jessica M., C.P.A.
“Before coaching, I was a closet smoker. I wanted to quit. I had a plan. I knew why I wanted to quit, I had a vision of my life after I quit, and I had some tools to help me. But I just couldn’t bring myself to rip off the band-aid. I needed nonjudgmental support and some accountability. I found that, and more, with Vicky. She’s wonderful! Vicky is a great listener, asks thoughtful questions, and has a slew of tips and tricks up her sleeve. But what I appreciated the most was Vicky believed in me from day one. Seeing and feeling that belief every week was priceless, especially when I couldn't believe in myself. One of the things that helped me the most was creating a joy list and giving myself permission to feel good. This was also an unexpected result. So now, instead of smoking, I am practicing radical self-care. It feels so much better. If you're thinking of coaching with Vicky, do it! This is how it works: 1. You tell Vicky what you want to accomplish. 2. She tells you how to make it easier. 3. You start, get stuck, take it to Vicky, and she gets you moving again. 4. Repeat as needed. With Vicky in your corner, you'll keep working for what you want. And as long as you don't give up, you will succeed. You have nothing to lose. Thank you so much, Vicky! 💜 "
Lisa D.
“Vicky is an excellent coach who helped me reach my weight loss goals. She encouraged me to stay the course even when the weight loss seemed slow. She kept reminding me that I would get to my goal if I stayed consistent with the program and persistent. Vicky is knowledgeable about weight training and intermittent fasting. She is a good motivator who truly cares about her clients.”
Nancy L.
“Before working with Vicky, I had a lot of perfectionist tendencies, all or nothing thinking and a lot of beating myself up. With coaching, I am not doing that anywhere as much which has been transformative. I have been in group programs before but the one-on-one coaching with Vicky was much more valuable. She helped me to become a lot more aware of my patterns, pick out new thoughts and ways to feel about things in a way that has been most beneficial. Coaching with Vicky was a great investment, and I would definitely recommend her!”
J. Paisley, M.D.
“I am so glad that I found Vicky. I was struggling with losing weight and needed a coach by my side to help me figure out some strategies and have some accountability. Working with Vicky I did lose a lot of weight (20lbs) and learned a lot of strategies. We worked together on brainstorming ideas and overcoming obstacles so that I was successful. To my surprise, I am staying away from my “downfall” of sweets and fried food and not feeling deprived! Vicky helped me in so many areas of my life besides losing weight. She has helped with exercise, relationships, productivity and reducing stress. And I changed my relationship with myself in a way that has been very positive. I highly recommend Vicky as a life and weight coach!”
M. Wilson
“Vicky’s coaching helped me in so many ways! I learned about different tools and concepts that were so impactful. It changed my perspective on myself and the people around me. Through coaching, I now have a lot more self-acceptance and self-love. Her support and encouragement during and in between sessions was invaluable. I highly recommend working with Vicky!"
Amy G., M.D.
“When I started working with Vicky, I had a lot of tasks and I felt like I was drowning. With her coaching, I am now so efficient and effective, and I rarely procrastinate anymore. My way of approaching things has changed drastically. Vicky helped to identify my thoughts and change them to turn the situation upside down. Many areas of my life have improved for the better as a result. Coaching with Vicky makes me feel very supported. She is a good listener, and right there with me to work through whatever is going on. I get lots of tools tailored for the specific things I am struggling with and Vicky is always there to remind me that I know how to do this all by myself. Working with Vicky has been life-changing!”
Sophie, J.D.